Friday, December 27, 2019
Classification of Assets Maximus Case Study - 501 Words
The assets listed under current assets are as follows (in order): cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, accounts receivable (billed), accounts receivable (unbilled), prepaid income taxes, deferred income taxes and prepaid expenses. There are no inventories listed, but otherwise these are listed in the proper order. The company classifies its assets in a somewhat unusual way. The current assets are broken down well, including separate line items for billed and unbilled accounts receivable. However, there is no subtotal for long-term assets, which is unusual. The line items outside of current assets are as one would expect for long-term assets: property and equipment (net), capitalized software (net), goodwill, intangible assets (net), deferred contract costs, deferred income taxes, deferred compensation plan assets and other. Cash equivalents are money market securities. Typically, these have maturities less than three months, or are cashable on demand. Such securities can be liquidated so quickly that they are considered for accounting purposes to be equivalent to cash. The companys total current liabilities are $163.893 million at the end of the most recent fiscal year (September 30, 2011). The companys total current liabilities were $164.688 million at the end of the 2010 fiscal year. The information contained in financial statements is important for a few different reasons. Potential creditors need to know what the credit quality of the organization is.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Pablo Picasso And Zaha Hadid - 1839 Words
Ever wonder what opposition to cultural trends can lead someone? Ever question what kind of success can erupt from dislocating and distorting one’s work into a brand unique to no one but yourself? Pablo Picasso and Zaha Hadid were two of the most successful artists within the modernist movement. Both Picasso and Hadid laid the foundation to their success with a strong educational background. While each artist knew that their sheer talent and works would not contribute to their succession alone. Picasso and Hadid sought the importance of defining one’s brand on a global scale. Building a connection between a consumer and their product, both Picasso and Hadid knew that their talent and business practices would allow them to convey†¦show more content†¦With this ability, Picasso seized this opportunity of adaptation, and thus expanded his clientele. By tailoring his works to the customer’s wants and needs, Picasso experimented with new styles of art to s atisfy such needs of dealers and collectors. This came to fruition when Picasso gained one of his earliest patrons and close friend, Gertrude Stein. Picasso’s relationship with Stein developed when Stein moved to Paris with her brother where she hoped to pursue and art career. With the acquisition of a Matisse and Picasso’s own Young Girl with a Basket of Flowers. This contribution to her collection of Cubism, may not have been the largest towards Picasso, this greatly increased Picasso’s ability to network as well as brand himself. Picasso understood the importance of branding and marketing. The connection between consumer and brand, the importance of the media, and the publicity that surrounded one’s story, was the key to laying the foundation of Pablo’s success. By selling his works at the epicenter of Impressionism or Post-Impressionism of art, dealers sought potential investment opportunities in Paris. It was not until roughly 1914 that Pica sso gained notable recognition. By presenting his artwork at the International Exhibition of Modern Art (The Armory Show) was Picasso able to capture the attention of La Peau de l’Ours (Skin of the Bear) led by Andre Level. The organization focused a large portion of their
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Oppression Argumentative Essay Example For Students
Oppression Argumentative Essay Definition PaperOppression, to divide and conquer is your goal. Oppression, I swear hatred is your home. Oppression, you mean only harm. -Ben HarperOppression is this and so much more than what Ben Harper wrote in his song. Oppression is an unjust or cruel exercise or action of power. Everyone experiences oppression at least once in his or her lives. We have only recently begun to fight the effects of oppression, to gain freedom in our world. Oppression divides us to keep us from maintaining our freedom, what little of it we have. Oppression is completely based on hatred and preys on you when you sleep, or when you are at your lowest point. It kicks you when you are down, and pushes you further down the rabbits hole. It forces you to fight when you are the weakest and will take your very last breath. It takes one problem and snowballs until you can not take it anymore. We can learn to fight oppression, if we only make ourselves aware. Oppression is not a friend, though it may be disguised as one. It takes what you believe in and makes it nonexistent. Oppression is what makes life hard. It tests you to see if you will make the stand for freedom, or be oppressed. African-Americans were oppressed for hundreds of years, and when it couldnt get any worse, they found and fought with their leaders for what they believed in, freedom. Both the Egyptians and Hitler oppressed Jews for 5000 years, when he decided to wipe out their entire race. Women were oppressed for many years until they decided to fight for equality. Oppression is hatred, but must not be confused with prejudice. In the above examples, these people were pushed down further and further until they took a stand for what they believed in. Oppression still exists today everywhere you go. It exists in anything that involves power. Oppression seeks population control; to divide and conquer is its goal. It never leaves bad enough alone, only preys to make it worse.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Persuasive Essay- Beggars Essay Example
Persuasive Essay- Beggars Essay Persuasive essay- beggars When you walk in the street and suddenly see a beggar asking for money, then you may have a dilemma about whether you should give him money or not; if they deserve the money or not. Here I am going to discuss this dilemma. A beggar sitting on the street may have gone trough very difficult time and tough experiences. Therefor, the last resort they have is to beg for money. But why should I give away my money to someone I do not know how would use them? Even though the beggars all have the same goal; ask for money, we can separate them into three different groups. The first group is those who only want the money for alcohol and drugs and felt that begging was the easiest way. The second group is those who have been struggling to get a job but gave up because they did not get one so they decided to start begging. The third group is the little minority of beggars who really have no other options. Begging is an ideology; an ideology that says that there is no better way than the easy way. In Norway there are a lot of helping organizations created only to help people who needs money but do not have. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay- Beggars specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay- Beggars specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay- Beggars specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer An example of some well known organizations is probably â€Å"Frelsesarmeen†and â€Å"Kirkens Bymisjon†. They know people who really are in need; but cannot afford money to buy clothes and food. Therefore, those organizations provide it to those who are in need. Furthermore, â€Å"Fattighuset†(or the poor house) is very famous among beggars. On Mondays and Tuesdays from 12PM to 3. 30 PM they have clothing distribution, and on Fridays, they have food distribution from 12PM to 3. 30 PM to all their members. According to SSB statistics measures how many people have a persistent low income over three years. Low income is regarded as less than 60% of the overall income level. For a single person, this amount is about 170 000 NOK on average for the years 2007-2009. Statistics from 2009 show that about 360 000 people in Norway earn less than 60% of the general income level. In addition, those helping organizations are willing to receive money from helping hands to those who are in need for help. Moreover, they are also willing to receive anything you feel you do not need anymore as long as it is capable, like kitchen utensils, food, shoes, books, clothing for summer and winter, etc.. Therefore, if you want to be sure the money you give away won’t be used on alcohol or drugs; you can provide them to those organizations. In addition, to not feel guiltiness about not giving money to someone who is starving; you can buy some food for the beggar to be sure he is not hungry. On the other hand, the beggars have the opportunity to find a job with some help from those organizations. It is very hard for a beggar to try to find a job by himself, but if he gets help, it is not impossible. As a result, if you continue giving money to the beggars, their ideology will grow and they will continue begging. This sustains the practice of begging and may encourage other people to also start begging, when in fact; begging should not be an alternative in a rich country like Norway. [ 1 ]. http://www. fattighusetoslo. no/ [ 2 ]. http://www. ssb. no/emner/05/01/10/inntekt/ [ 3 ]. http://www. nrk. no/programmer/tv/migrapolis/1. 7838155 [ 4 ]. http://www. fattighusetoslo. no/du-kan-bidra/
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