Monday, September 30, 2019
Don Quixote Essay
Quixotism is the ability of being caught up in the fable of pursuing some unrealistic goals or deeds. It is a world which is commonly used to describe idealism without looking at the practical side of the act. It is therefore related to â€Å"over- idealism†, something which does not consider the consequences or outcome of what somebody is doing. An act of impetuous person can be described as quixotic. This can be generally described as the ability to maintain ones ideals despite evidence to the contrary. The title character of Don Quixote is a great example of the concept of Quixotism. The prominent questions here are whether Don Quixote is sane or if â€Å"his mind dried up and went completely out of his mind†(2227). The truth is that Cervantes uses the sub-themes of an insane knight, idealism, and devotion to depict other major themes which are complex. That is why the characters exhibit incidents which are surfeit and unforgettable, happenings which are comic and tragic, but tries to present this in a significant manner. This character is actually mentally sound and he is a character who was built by the author, as a way of portraying the Spanish society in the era of sixteenth century. The text is full of quaint humor, and the author uses this in advancing his plot and the themes, which on the other hand comes out from Don Quixote. Don Quixote depicts renaissance in reality and tries to satirize the middle ages chivalric traditions by depicting them as absurd and archaic. This is a noble Spaniard who is being presented as crazy by the author intentionally, and he picks up his role as a good character and actor. He tries to revive the glamour of knighthood which was there â€Å"for the protection of damsels, the aid of windows and orphans, and the succoring of the needy†(2262) and it is evident that Cervantes does not care about the impossible dreams. The character refuses to face reality and the facts of life though he knows that what he ventures into is unrealistic and unachievable. As soon as he had seen the windmills, Don Quixote said to his squire â€Å"fortune is guiding our affairs better than we could have wished; for you see there before you (†¦) some thirty or more lawless giants with whom I mean to battle†(2247). Additionally, his relatives try to take the chivalric romances away as a way of rescuing him because they think that was all that drove him mad. On the contrary, he opts to escape with Sancho Panza whom is believed to be a good deal saner though little learned. The two characters venture into funny dreams but are different in character. According to Don Quixote knights should not complain of any pain because they are meant to bear wounds even when â€Å"their bowels may be dropping out†(2249). On the other hand, Sancho belives that he has to complain about any minor pain as God knows it, â€Å"unless the same rule applies to squires as well†(2249). For Don Quixote life is like a theater and everyone is playing a part in it. Even that life is serious always emotions are playing a big part. Don Quixote’s imagination allowed him to create a vision of a world which was more colorful, exciting, adventurous and poetic. It was for him a way to live a life because as he said: â€Å"when life is done, death takes from each the garb that differentiates him, and all at last are equal in the grave†(2307). He was a man who refused to be unhappy. The average life just got too monotonous for him, but instead of suffering, he did what most people are not brave enough to do. He reinvented his life to make it something that he was joyful living, no matter how crazy it seemed to others, because â€Å"the greatest madness that a man can be guilty of in this life is to die without good reason†(2348).He had always wanted to be a knight and one day he became one. He possessed the courage to follow his dreams, regardless of the judgment of others. The concept of Quixotism has been very well revealed in the text because Don Quixote knows very well who he is, the age he lives in, and he wants to revive the knight- errantry to be an â€Å"righter of wrongs, avenger of injustices, protector of damsels, terror of giants, and champion of battles†(2293). He wants to remain firm on his ideas and believes despite the facts from the parallel side which he knows well. From his quote â€Å"I know who I am, and who I may be, if I choose†(2244), he explains the fact that he is very sane and he knows what he is doing. His insanity is known to him and very intentional just like the character Hamlet in Shakespeare’s work. The author was being creative and exploring on the themes of idealism, which is best seen from Don Quixote character who is a â€Å"flower of chivalry†(2296). He is therefore being quixotic, and Cervantes asks us: do we consider the practicality of the goals we venture into? It is a good text with lessons on the pursuit of unrealistic goals in life. We should not have condescending attitudes towards nonconformists or judge other people, because one man’s genius is another man’s insanity, just as one man’s giant is another man’s windmill.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ambition in Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz and School Ties Essay
Ambition: It’s Easy to Dream a Dream, but Much Harder to Live it Napoleon Bonaparte once said: â€Å"Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. It all depends on the principles which direct them. †From this quote, one can see that great ambition is crucial to experience success whether it is achieved in an honest fashion, or a morally questionable one. In the novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (ADK) and the movie School Ties (ST) a strong sense of ambition is one of the driving topics for the plot and the development of many characters. For example, one can see that Duddy will do anything to achieve his dreams, even if that means betraying his friends or taking part in illegal activities. Although the amount of ambition in both works is very prominent, too much ambition can prove to be detrimental in many ways, and it is evident that ambition proves to be more severe in ST because many characters struggled with common morals and were affected by the mental destruction that comes along with too much ambition. In ADK, Duddy proves to be too ambitious for his own good throughout the entire novel, as he cares too much about owning land rather than following morals or obeying the law. Just one of these examples would be when Duddy sells contraband comic books. â€Å"American comic books were beginning to trickle into the city again, and so Duddy was attracted by this new line†¦ Barney was picked up by the police and fined. Duddy, unfortunately was caught with a large stack on hand. He took fright and threw them in the furnace. †(Richler 56). This quote shows evidence that Duddy began his overly-ambitious ways at a young age by selling pornographic comic books. Moreover, this proves Napoleon Bonaparte’s quote in that those who are ambitious are willing to commit very good or very bad acts in order to succeed. Similarly, morals are lost in ST as well when Dillon cheats on his history exam, and tells the class that it was David instead of him. â€Å"It wasn’t Connors. †¦] I should have told the truth yesterday. I know who cheated. It was Green. †(Darryl Ponicsan, Dick Wolf). At this point in the movie, it portrays Dillon as the antagonist as he lied to his friends, and cheated on his exam. Since Dillon did this in order to get into Princeton, one can conclude that he did this because he felt like he had no other options. Thus leading the reader to believe that Dillon did this out of ambition, but he let his morals get the better o f him. In this way, ADK is extremely similar to ST in the sense that characters from each text betrayed their friends, and cheated in one way or another in order to succeed. Secondly, Duddy Kravitz can be seen struggling with the mental exhaustion that comes with having too much ambition throughout the novel. An example of this is when he has a small breakdown just after he loses all of his money by playing roulette. â€Å"Duddy was seized by an uncontrollable fit of laughter. He rolled over in the grass, biting his arm to muffle the noise†¦ Three times he stopped, his laughter immense. The thought of them searching for him all through the night†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Richler 90. ) This quote gives evidence that Duddy was so blinded by his ambition that he has fits of laughter over the fact that he lost all of his money. Moreover, this proves that Duddy’s mental health has diminished because he doesn’t care about the fact that the employees at the lodge are sincerely worried as they search for him. Similarly, mental destruction due to ambition is portrayed in ST as well during the scene where McGivern is so upset about his teacher insulting him in French class that he sneaks into the classroom that night in order to repeat his recitation to himself while his friends are looking for him around campus. McGivern is so distraught about this presentation that he ends up getting taken away in an ambulance at the end of the night. Although the way that mental destruction is shown in ST is slightly different than in ADK, they are very alike because both mental breakdowns by the characters are brought on through their ambitions to succeed. In conclusion, mental destruction and the loss of morals from being too ambitious are evident in both novels, but it is more severe in ST because multiple characters suffer in different ways, whereas Duddy is the only character that struggles significantly with his ambitions. Ultimately, being ambitious is a great trait because it builds character, but becoming too ambitious can harm an individual in more ways than one. So, how ambitious are you?
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation Essay Example for Free
Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation Essay According to Eunson (2006, p.15) there are four main criteria to be considered when choosing the medium/s of communication to best articulate an argument: Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation. Select one of the criteria and discuss its importance to a communication situation. Any successful communication process requires the presence of a message, appropriate medium  and the desired message’s effect on the receiver.   To effect success in communication, it is important to use a suitable medium based on the Preferences criterion. Modern technologies have greatly facilitated human communication. However, as Priestley’s Paradox illustrates, people get to actually communicate less as communication technologies further advance (Eunson 2006, p.4). Hence, for effective communication, it is more important to consider the message and the effect of that message on the receiver (Eunson 2006, p.7). The successful transfer of message and its effect, however, largely depends on the communication mode used or â€Å"preferred†. The medium is crucial to the effect of a message because as emphasized by Marshall McLuhan (Lister 2003), â€Å"societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media†. In other words, the medium is the message. A case in point would be a Human Resource Department in an office where the HR Manager normally ‘prefers’ communicating with his staff through memos and e-mail notifications. But being a smart manager, he or she will not hesitate to utilize other media as needed, according to the importance of the message and the desired effect to the recipients. He or she may ‘prefer’ to personally discuss an individual’s unsatisfactory ‘Performance Assessment Report’, earlier sent as is via individual e-mail, through  one-on-one review. The richness of media (Daft & Lengel 1986, p.557) effected by direct face-to-face discussion is ‘preferred’ to the e-mail channel, which in this case plays a secondary role as preparatory medium of documentation. Herein, interpersonal communication appropriate to a small group (Baker, Barrett & Roberts 2002, p.11), is considered and selected to amplify the Report’s â€Å"warning†content with the goal of effecting the desired change in the staffer’s behaviour. Exploring â€Å"Preferences†in choosing media is vital to effectively convey the message. Since the medium, which helps shape the content, is mostly the message itself and that the message’s effect on the receiver is affected by the medium, selecting the suitable channel from a range of Preferences becomes crucial to any effective communication. Baker, E. Barrett, M. & Roberts, L 2002, Working Communication , John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd., Milton Qld. Daft, R. L. and Lengel, R. H. 1986 â€Å"Organizational Information Requirements, Media Richness and Structural Design,†Management Sci. , Vol. 32, No.5, pp. 554–571. Eunson, B . 2006, Communicating in the 21 st Century , John Wiley & Sons, Australia Ltd., Milton Qld. Lister, M 2003, New Media: A Critical Introduction , Routledge, London. Appropriateness, Reinforcement, Preferences and Transformation. (2017, Mar 01).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Childhood and Adult Story Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Childhood and Adult Story Writing - Essay Example During childhood one tends to write the thoughts which one has in that particular age. The thoughts during childhood are of without experience and of innocence. The thoughts do not wander around the realms of this world as seen by the experienced individuals. The plot that is used during child hood writing is of imaginary aspirations as supposed by the children. The adventures sought out by children are put into words by them which tend to be adventurous. Furthermore the world viewed by the children is different than that viewed by the adults. Similarly the plot followed by the adults has a major difference with that of the children. The plot is well organized and well sought which comes after the experience the adults have gotten after living in this world. The realms of the life are put into words by the adults. Plot development can be said to be perfect by the adults as they have proper sense of where they are heading the story to. Similarly another major difference in the writing s is that the vocabulary used by children is different than that of the adults. The vocabulary sense of children is smaller as compared to that of adults. The correct usage of words during the plot flows it towards the right direction, whereas the wrong usage of vocabulary would change the whole plot to a different direction.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Should state or local governments tax sodas to fund health care Research Paper
Should state or local governments tax sodas to fund health care - Research Paper Example There is a debate on whether the state government should tax sodas and use the proceeds in health care initiatives. There are many health issues that are related to the intake of sodas in the United States of America. Issues like tooth decay, diabetes and obesity are on the rise among the teens. The contribution of soda to the health care expenses is already high and continues to increase at an alarming rate as depicted by the expenditure on health related issues. It is estimated that $79 billion is spent yearly on obesity and overweight related issues (Lohnes, 2006). The proponents of the tax levy on sodas argue that the taxation of these sodas will help in reducing heath related illnesses like obesity diabetes and tooth decay. The acids that are contained in the sodas breaks up the tooth enamel thus destroying it. The Sodas are known to contain a high level of sugar which is harmful to the health of the people. Various proposals have been put forward regarding the taxation of sodas; the mayor of Philadelphia Michael Nutter proposed a tax on all beverages with added sugar, putting a two-cents-ounce levy on the sugar added drinks. The overall effect of the taxation is that an estimated $ 77 million per year would be generated and directed towards health care programs (Nolan, 2009). Sodas are considered as diuretics implying that they have the ability to dehydrate the body. In places like South Texas where the temperatures are extremely high during summer, the continuous consumption of sodas will cause serious dehydration to the body thus leading to complicated health issues since dehydration causes headaches and heat exhaustion. Nolan (2009) states that the government should impose a tax on the sodas in order to discourage the consumption of sugar added soda. When a tax is levied on soda, it implies that the price of the product will go up meaning that many people will not be able to afford buying the product. This will shift the preference of the people
The Central Park Five Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Central Park Five - Essay Example The Innocence Project reports â€Å"that about one quarter of people who have been exonerated by DNA evidence made false incriminating statements or gave false confessions that helped convict them†(â€Å"Worcester police use coercion to get confession†). The question is how this could happen and what can lead a person to do something as seemingly crazy as confessing to a crime they didn’t commit. The Central Park Five documentary is a sad real unjust story, which shows how corrupted and unethical the law system can be with no circumstantial evidence and use of coercion. Five young boys were sent to prison, and lost their childhood because the prosecutor and the detectives wanted to glorify their career by means of other people’s lives and took advantage of the situation without a doubt. It goes without saying that this crime has been tailored in racial stereotyping with emphasis on the timeline introspectively to fit the crimes to the particular decade. While watching this documentary, first thing that I paid attention to was the fact that original investigators denied to come into the light. Certainly if we try to find out this we would here such phrases as â€Å"no comments†, â€Å"it is unknown at this time†or â€Å"we can’t comment on the situation due to sensitivity of the case†. Ok that is fine and totally understandable, but in this particular case it is obvious that the interrogations were orchestrated with coercion. From the ethical stand point in my opinion there was no, and this applies especially to the prosecutor Elizabeth Lederer. As Burns shows, the DNA evidence showed that Matias Reyes, the "East Side Slasher" was an offender who committed crime. The facts showed that he was an offender. However, the police did not pay any attention to that and preferred to accuse the group of African American and Latino boys of the crime commitment. They did not even pay any attention to the undeniable DNA evidence. Personally I can’t believe that the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Book smarts with intellectualism and street smarts with Essay
Book smarts with intellectualism and street smarts with anti-intellectualism - Essay Example By agreeing with his premise, this student will retrace Graff’s logic and provide a level of external analysis that will provide the reader with a more informed understanding and logical progression with respect to how Graff’s transformation took place. Firstly, before delving directly subject matter, it must be understood that scholars and societal stakeholders alike oftentimes to distance intellectualism from anti-intellectualism. It is without question that there is tension and strife between these two points of view; with both intellectuals and anti-intellectuals being distrustful, spiteful, and downright cruel to one another. Lunch has with regards the way in which individuals of different classes have separated themselves, lunch in the same way that individual races have been sidelined within American society, Graff argues the fact that intellectualism has separated itself from anti-intellectualism, and vice versa, to such a degree that these two distinct groups have come to an even further level of conflict within the current world. However, these social constraints aside, it is clear and apparent that the similarity that exists between these two groups is greater than the dissimilarity that they purport to espouse (Fridlan 890). For instance, Graff represents the early childhood disagreements, arguments, and disputes that he had with fellow adolescents in his youth. Instead of serving as mindless and un-intellectual banter, as many might assume, these levels of argumentation encouraged and coaxed the stakeholders into providing a level of substantiation, facts, and representative understanding with respect to the position that they espouse. Although they most certainly did not understand it at the time, the need to substantiate their beliefs and promote a level of understanding concerning their points of view was
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Global Business Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global Business Context - Essay Example This essay declare that principal macroeconomic variables and government policy instruments change in response to external factors over the course of a business. For example to curve the influx of imported items that will cut a big portion of the local industries’ customer base, the government can increase taxes of imports of certain types of imports. To combat inflation, the government can order the banks to release plenty of money into the economy. In order to make the factory workers happy, the state pass a law ordering all companies to increase the basic salary. This paper stresses that the Gross Domestic Product, the inflation rate and the unemployment rate are the three major, widely cited and watched macroeconomic variables of economic activity. And, gross domestic products will take into account all the production inside a country, independent of who, domestic or foreign, owns the production site. What is important is that the production takes place inside the territorial boundaries of the U.S. Most wages increase when business profits and prices of basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter increase. Shifts in labor market that can create unemployment or the reverse which is increased employment in some sectors of industry. The shifts in public policies affecting labor demand (such as minimum wage, worker safety, and even foreign trade legislation) can create shifts in the unemployment rate. ... And, gross domestic products will take into account all the production inside a country, independent of who, domestic or foreign, owns the production site. What is important is that the production takes place inside the territorial boundaries of the U.S.Also, most wages increase when business profits and prices of basic necessities like food, clothing and shelter increase. Shifts in labor market that can create unemployment or the reverse which is increased employment in some sectors of industry. Also, a few of these shifts are attributable changes in GDP are caused by changes in aggregate demand or aggregate supply, or both. Additionally, the shifts in public policies affecting labor demand (such as minimum wage, worker safety, and even foreign trade legislation) can create shifts in the unemployment rate.Further, increases in foreign currency exchange rates favor the exporter in times of increase but favor the buyer when prices of goods and commodities decrease. The unemployment ra te decreases when there is an increase in company profits. Unemployment rate had decreased to its lowest term from 17.2 percent in 1986. This according to the Northern Ireland Yearbook, 2005.Furthermore, inflation increases every year forcing business to increase the priceof its products. Inflation in an economy can be the result of an increase in aggregate demand that is not accompanied by an increase in aggregate supply. Clearly, this is known as demand-pull inflation. Further, a rise in any component of aggregate demand can produce demand-pull inflation. One reason for a sudden, unanticipated rise in aggregate demand can be an the unexpected rise in the supply of money. For
Monday, September 23, 2019
American Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
American Marriage - Essay Example American families are just changing as the society around them changes. Initially, marriage was believed to be challenging commitments for both the man and the woman. The man had to work hard in providing for his family, as the woman remained behind to care for both residence and the kids. However, due to apparent global economic crisis that has filtered into American marriage, women no longer remain at home due to the economic demands for their families. Women also strive to provide for their families by going to work just as their husbands. Children too are taken to baby care centers at tender age to keep them busy and away from their parents who are ever busy to make end meet especially during the day. Indeed, this can be seen as an adjustment to the changes in the modern society. It has been argued that marriages are experiencing stress in regard to socialization and communication between spouses and the children as well (Popenoe and Whitehead 146-148). However, there is an emerg ing divergence from traditional face-to-face communication to technologically supported social platforms. Most couples maintain distant relationship where, for instance, a man works in one state and the wife works in another state. The presence of various communication methods such as the social media and mobile phones has, however, improved communication between the two. Therefore, this shift in socialization is just a way of family adaptation and not as a result of stressed marriages (Schwartz and Scott 156-159). Although financial soundness was not valued in the past, it greatly influences marriage in the current society. For instance, the economic status of an individual would greatly affect the quality of the relationship. Financially stable individuals are likely to succeed in a marriage relationship. Arguably, according to Popenoe and Whitehead (146-148), families need to make extra coins today than earlier days. Although this can be viewed as a marriage stressor, it can be a rgued that input of both partners towards the economic prowess is actually an adaptation to the modern challenges. Therefore, marriages are much more likely to survive the test of the financial stressor. Marriage is no longer based on community but solely depend on individuality. However, the modern society has certainly set high standards especially in social, economic, and educational aspects. This causes American families to go an extra mile in meeting these apparent standards. Whereas this could be seen as an overwhelming challenge to the family, societal standards also act as a motivation towards a better family. Therefore, American marriages, in their endeavor to meet these standards, will come out stronger than weak (Graham 9-10). Another important factor affecting modern marriages is the issue of religion. Whereas traditional marriages were largely based on traditional religion, modernity has changed the religious aspect of marriage (Schwartz and Scott 156-159; Graham 8-11). With the uprising of many religious denominations, families experience apparent conflict of religious belief in regard to marriage and family values. However, the fact that modern religion appreciates and upholds the role of the marriage institution is actually a bonus to American marriages. Teachings and trainings on marriages boosts marriages hence making them last longer. Therefore, despite the conflicts acting as a stressing
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Compare Plath and Larkin Essay Example for Free
Compare Plath and Larkin Essay Compare and contrast the ways in which death is portrayed in Philip Larkin’s poem ‘Days’ and ‘Ambulances’ and Sylvia plath’s ‘Lady Lazarus’ and ‘Death and Co’ The poems i am going to analyse are: †¢Lady Lazarus †¢Death and Co †¢Ambulances †¢Days It is understatement to say that both Sylvia Plath and Philip Larkin have immense depth and subsidiary meanings to their poems, both writers expertly structure their poems and used varied techniques to convey their themes of death and instil their messages to their readers. Plath goes about it an autobiographical manner and parades death as a theatrical show leaving the audience in shock and awe however Larkin presents death in a rather trivial manner in comparison to Plath. He juxtaposes the everyday street scene with horrific. He uses the ambulance as a momentary that death is every present and our lives ultimately lead to the journey of death. The oxymoron Lady Lazarus is significant to the poem. Lazarus, originally a man who is raised from the dead by Jesus is feminised and turned into Lady Lazarus. Plath summarises what she feels; â€Å"the terrible gift of being reborn†. The alliterative form of address â€Å"Lady Lazarus†liberates herself from the irrevocable influence of the male figure portrays her idea of feminine superiority over men and how women should excel over men in whatever they do however Larkin’s title â€Å"Ambulances†is a noun that is commonly associated with the negative imagery relating to accidents,hospitals ,blood, injuries and most importantly death. Both writers use lexical techniques to convey their outlook and opinion on the theme of death; some of which consists of rhyme, rhetorical devices and their choice of vocab. Rhyme is used in the first stanza as Plath declares â€Å"I have done it again/One year in every ten†she emphasises to the equal repartition of her near-death experiences and holds connotations of her suicide attempts, â€Å"one year in every ten†and one being premeditated at this stage. Plath speaks in hyperboles to emphasize her suicidal intention and her need to control her death and become a â€Å"walking miracle†. The pre modifier â€Å"walking†illustrates the fact that despite her many near death experiences she is still alive and ready as ever to attempt another suicide experience. The uoyant noun â€Å"miracle†that Plath describes herself as, demonstrates to the reader just how romantically Plath thinks of death to be and how her ending her own life is a seemingly phenomenal way of dying. In comparison to this, Larkin contrasts his lexical techniques in oppose to Plath, he begins with the first stanza being a dramatic, alliterative opener. The vehicles are â€Å"Closed like confessionals†and are â€Å"giving back none of the glances they absorb†; like a corpse. The alliterative statement â€Å"closed like confessionals â€Å"illustrates the Roman Catholic idea of confessing sins to a priest in a â€Å"closed†box. This also outlines the poems religious nature and demonstrates to us the religious idea of death which connotes it of being like a â€Å"closed†off box a coffin. This also depicts the closed off nature of death and how once a person dies everything, they are sealed off from the world, an end to everything. Larkin uses enjambment to emphasize the disconnection between people and death throughout the poem. In the first two lines, the lack of punctuation ironically causes the reader to stop at the end of each line. This symbolises the separation between the ambulance, and the city it is travelling through, as well as the glances the ambulance takes in. In the fourth stanza, Larkin uses enjambment in five out of the six lines, demonstrating the isolation of death throughout society. Specifically in the last three lines and into the last stanza, Larkin reveals that what unites one another across the years, at last falls apart there (in the ambulance and at the hospital), while connecting all four of those lines. Vocabulary is also an element used by Plath to depict death; her language register is bold and informal. The vocabulary and rhythms make out the conversational speeches within the poem and make them out to be colloquial and everyday spoken, the frequently end-stopped lines, the repetitions which have the effect of mockingly counteracting the violence of the meaning, all establish the deliberately dismissive note of death which Plath strives to achieve.. At times the tone is hysterically strident and demanding: â€Å"unwrap me hand and foot The big strip tease. Gentlemen, ladies These are my hands My knees. Iambic pentameter is also used in Lady Lazarus because it mimics the rhythm of conversational speech and makes it closer to spontaneous speech. This also highlights Lady Lazarus aural quality as it is meant to be read aloud which emphasizes it rhetorical intensity and perhaps the power that Lady Lazarus has gained throughout the poem â€Å" I am your opus I am your valuable The pure gold baby†The spontaneous structure of the poem emphasises the emotional and physcological disintegration of Lady Lazarus and how she speaks spontaneously out of pain that she is feeling form her suicidal attempts On the contrary, Larkin also used five groups of six lines of poetry (sestet) of iambic trimeter and roughlythere are some irregularities, a, with the first and last lines of each sestet rhyming, and the middle rhyming â€Å"a–b-a-b†like a ballad. The second stanza, only the first and last lines have been ended with punctuation leaving everything in the middle flowing. The women in the shops are detached from the Wild white face inside the ambulance. The third stanza all ends with punctuation, excluding the first line. This one exception is very isolated within the stanza as it is the only line left to flow. The flow emphasizes that the solving emptiness is not an obvious encounter which we face every day. The â€Å"solving emptiness†, a description of death, lies just under all we do, not exposed. Moreover, Plath employs and uses unique language features to express her emotion; â€Å"soon, soon the flesh/the grave cave †repetition is used to emphasise her point across to the audience, she also repeats â€Å"soon†twice to comfort the audience as well as herself; this also correlates to Plath’s idea of death and how it is a welcoming experience not to be terrified by, something that makes her feel â€Å"at home†. To the readers and audience itself it is something disorientating and a lonely discomforting concept, but to Plath and her persona Lazarus, it is something they embrace with open arms and are anticipating it â€Å"soon††¦ However, Larkin goes about his language features differently; so much so that Larkin hardly uses devices such as repetition, exclamation , but rather settles for an indirect approach to his language, the only apparent use of language feature is the distinctive italic fronted text â€Å"poor soul†,this highlights and emphasises the point Larkin wishes to make and also is his idea od the reaction given to the audience and the reader. This again relates to Larkin’s idea of death and his opinion being in total contrast to Plath. For Larkin, death is a dreadful thing, a cold, merciless, selfish thing and when death strikes it only can be described for the prey of death as â€Å"poor†which Larkin does, to have pity on those death has taken. †Soul†has In Lady Lazarus the audience are the spectators watching the performer show off her daring acts in order to prepare her to die. She in other words entertains the audience by producing her own death in a rather erotic manner. The audience is shown the grim reality of death through the pre-modifier ‘peanut-crunching’. This illustrates to the reader just how engrossed the audience is in watching Lady Lazarus attempt her suicide and are absorbed in the strangeness of her death and robotically carry on ‘crunching’ on their peanuts oblivious to just how dismal the death of Lady Lazarus is . Showmanship is portrayed through the use of first person â€Å"I†throughout the whole poem and the audience seems to develop a â€Å"charge†from the gothic striptease Lady Lazarus puts on for them or perhaps a charge the audience have to pay for watching. Using the metaphor â€Å"charge†gives connotations of the audience wanting a show, watching â€Å"Lady Lazarus†unwrap herself ,restored to life â€Å"The big strip tease†indicating sexual connotations of the audience being largely male and receiving some sort of sexual fulfilment from this. Plath also portrays her rather freakish desire for death by questioning the audience directly â€Å"O my enemy/ do I terrify? †The vocative â€Å"O†along with the possessive pronoun â€Å"my†directly challenges the audience as if the audience are somewhat responsible for the suicidal state that Plath is now in, intimidating them as she challenges them. The â€Å"O my†could also be taken as a form of loving address to her lover. If put next to ‘enemy’ it reflects her feelings about death as if it I something to long and lust for however death is all something that is utterly terrifying at the same time as it is a mystery to all of us. It also adds a sense of awkwardness throughout the poem as the reader begins to wonder about death and what appears in the afterlife. The audience also feels partly responsible for Plath’s terrible state and are also blamed for causing her death in such a manner. The rhetorical question â€Å"do I terrify†not only involves the audience directly, but also threatens the audience rather mockingly as if the answer to the question should be nothing but a yes. The verb â€Å"terrify†portrays Plath’s dual state, just like the Nazis she will not hesitate to inflict pain upon herself in order for her to die yet just like the Jewish race she fades beneath a strong force as she begins to doubt whether she is capable of ending her life. This again increasingly adds to awkward uncomfortable nature as audience beings to wonder what kind of miserable state she will be left in when she dies. However the audience in â€Å"Ambulances†are the people (mainly middle class) that are around where the death has taken place. They are the â€Å"children strewn on steps†and â€Å"women coming from the shops†. Here the normality of life trivialises the horror of death as ordinary people carry on living their life. They are watching horrifically as the body comes in. The audience here is rather sympathetic and empathise with the person that has just died. â€Å"Poor soul/they whisper at their own distress†. Using the verb â€Å" â€Å"whisper†Larkin wishes to portray how the audience not only whispers out of remorse, pity and respect for the person that has just died but also whisper because they feel a sense of relief and thankfulness that the person that has just expired was not themselves or their loved one. Here Larkin shows us the selfish nature of man and how man despite everything shall always care about them; in essence leaving everybody walking on their own. Through this Larkin shows us how death is, death shall leave every person unaccompanied and everyone shall be no one. Death is selfish and when the appointed time, death shall not wait and indeed â€Å"All streets in time are visited†. The visitor being death personified through the use of a vehicle, the Ambulance. The ambulance here is death. And Larkin portrays the randomness of death and how unexpected it can be by the use of the preposition â€Å"in†and the noun â€Å"time†. Here Larkin reminds the reader than death is inevitable and is always there, a god like figure. Larkin also presents the idea that the audience, the â€Å"onlookers†forgot about death yet are reminded when a death appears around their life and the â€Å"fastened doors recede†. The audience are perhaps morbidly fascinated by death as it appears strange to them but then the audience then begins to realise the â€Å"emptiness/That lies under all we do†and for a moment the audience understands that life has only one certainty; death. The title of the poem Death Co title is an etymological, lexical technique in itself and is employed by the writer to change the perception of the reader, for the reader to be open minded and to grasp the writers idea. The â€Å"co†referred to in the title refers to a business which begins to establish the ironic and mocking mood of the poem,. Death is often viewed with incongruity, something that coldly takes away life yet offers comfort to those who are in pain or believe in an afterlife. This again links to the idea of death being a business because the persona asserts that â€Å"there are two†referring to the two individuals that make up the entity called â€Å"Death and co†. To the persona it is â€Å"perfectly natural†that there are two people because a business must be compromised of at least two people. In Death Co the persona asserts that, â€Å"there are two,†personifying death the two individuals who make up the entity called Death Co. She comments that it is natural that there would be two, as most companies are made up of at least two people. The individual â€Å"exhibits // birthmarks,†and the speaker proclaims that they are â€Å"his trademark. †This claim subsumes the title of the poem, metaphorically revealing the business which is â€Å"Death Co. By doing this the ide of death is bought closer to the persona as it now becomes a threat that is visible and is standing before the narrator. †Sibilance is used to describe the trademark â€Å"the scald scar of water†. The effect of the assonance is that it creates harsh violent sound and emphasises the cruel and punitive nature of the partners in Death Co. Larkin however does not use his metaphoric objectified technique in the title but rather from within the poem itself. In the second stanza Larkin uses the â€Å"priest†and the â€Å"doctor†as symbols of different sentiments and values of â€Å"death†. The priest being a man of religion and the doctor symbolic to a man of science who both serves in â€Å"solving that question†; two people obsessed with the mystery of death appears after the question has been solved. The â€Å"priest†coat is black which represents death and he helps the person from moving from this life to the next. The â€Å"Doctor†coat is white which represents life as the doctor tries to revive the person. This again has connotations of conflict between science and religion Plath begins by using repetition of numbers â€Å"two of course there are two†. She is reasserting that death has come in two living forms before her. One of them looking grotesque, â€Å"whose eyes are lidded†and the other is attractive having â€Å"long and plausive†hair yet dangerous . She does this to juxtapose the idea of life and death, the fact that two mortal creatures are bring about her lifeless state. The two figures create a sense of fear within her as she finds it difficult to name the two. â€Å"he tells me how badly/He tells me how sweet†. The repetition of Second person pronouns and the juxtaposition of her divergent feelings towards death emphasises how at times death appears inviting and perhaps more easier alternative to life difficulties yet the sheer fact of suicide perhaps restrains her form ending her life as the fear of the unknown in the afterlife haunts her . Which perhaps emphasizes her fearful yet unrecognisable feelings towards death. She fears death and the reader can see that Plaths posseses a frightened predatory victimised outlook on death so she cannot find a specific name to address them as or perhaps there is no personal attachment to death as death is metaphorically recognised as a business, it performs it function and then leaves. On the other hand Larkin uses the same rhetorical feature of repetition but in a rather different manner. Days are repeated three times in the first stanza and this repetition forces the reader to think about the meaning of the word â€Å"days†which is the futility of existence ,the inevitable truth that all life must end in death. The reader is compelled to think about what would happen after the days has ended. Larkin gives day a spatial dimension as he describes days as â€Å"Days are where we live†. This raises about how time is measured the nature of it and its artificiality. Days are not a place,not a â€Å"where†but a when and it is in this paradox that leads to the blank response to the second question. †Where can we live but days†. From this question the answerer is now question themselves as they come to realise the inevitable truth behind days ,there is a lack of choice to the answer and the answerer realises that on the other side of dyas is the night which holds high connotations of death and the afterlife something which clearly fright and perhaps intrigues the answerer Once a person no longer has any days left to live in,the only other place that a person can occupy will be a place in his grave The use of a voice or persona is clearly present in both poem’s although again both poets use this craft differently to suit their own methods of portraying death. Larkin does not clearly portray the identity of the voice or the voices the reader perceives in â€Å"Days†however what we do know is that there is a clear distinction bewtween the voice that asks the questions and the voice that answers the questions. The questions that questioner asks are literally simple,naive and appear to be that of a child asking questions rather simple questions. Of course the underlying meaning which lies behing these unpretentious questins is the metaphor of death in the background. The second voice appears to be different and fluctuates throughout the development of the poem. This voice appears to be the answerer to the questions that are asked and answers the question in a rather straightforward manner . The answer to the first question: â€Å"Days are where we live†denotes a matter of fact, mollifying tone as the simple question is answered by an equally simple although equally worrying answer. At first the voice appears to be kindly positive reassuring the childish questioner that days â€Å"are to be happy in†which again holds connotations of death. It tells the questioner and the reader also that the inevitability of death is true so we should live our lives while we have it and enjoy and â€Å"be happy†within it. In the second stanza the answerer adopts a worldly macabre tone almost mocking and cruel as it dryly observes that the only place people can inhibit apaprt from days is death. the questioner is trying to find a simple answer and uses the filler â€Å"ah†to contemplate on what happens after days,the question become a lot of bigger then it initially seemed and the answerer realises there is no simplistic way to answer it and so the â€Å"preist†and â€Å"doctor†are suppousedly the only people that hold the answers to the question However Plath uses two male persona in her poem to portray death and reveal the double or schizophrenic nature of death. The use of male persona’s was chosen deliberately to emphasise the painful awareness of man’s seemingly innate Judas quality just as death can be cruel and snipe away happiness at the last moment.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Managing People And Absence Management Management Essay
Managing People And Absence Management Management Essay INTRODUCTION Managing attendance at work is recognised as being an increasing priority for all employers. Both short term and long term absences have a significant impact upon the efficiency and resources of any company and the management of such absences can have a significant effect on both the company and the individuals who are involved. The focus will be on Coleg Sir Gar and how they deal with absence. One of the key challenges facing organisations is how to manage absence effectively to ensure that those who are genuinely sick are fully supported, and that the small minority whose absence is not health-related is deterred. UK legislation places a duty on employers to safeguard employee health, safety and welfare, in addition to which there are rising expectations among staff of what employers should be providing in terms of working conditions and benefits. Adopting an approach to sickness absence management that is both supportive of the genuinely sick and that acts as a deterrent to the few whose absence is not health-related is difficult to achieve, but a crucial element of successful management practice. While the majority of absence is thought to be genuine and related to ill-health, a number of factors appear to have an impact on absence levels. These include motivation, work levels and morale within teams. Individuals perceive their work as stressful due to factors such as overwork, heavy administrative loads and relationships within their teams. Many individuals who feel valued in their roles are less likely to take sick leave as they appreciate that their contribution is important to their organisation. Other causes of absence include needing to take time off for domestic responsibilities such as childcare. Although most organisation have in place a policy relating to special leave aimed at coping with domestic emergencies, awareness of this leave does not appear to be high. The presence and implementation of a good sickness absence policy is an important first step to managing absence well. Ideally, a policy should be clearly understandable and take into account different causes of absence and develop appropriate ways of dealing with these. It is also vital for an organisation to accept that a certain level of employee absence is an inevitable feature of working life. Appropriate support should be offered to employees who are absent and unable to work for health reasons, and a policy should ideally recognise that employees may sometimes need to be absent for reasons other than health, and that this should not be counted as sickness. MANAGING PEOPLE Absence is very expensive. The CIPD annual survey Absence Management 2009 was based on replies from 642 employers in organisations employing a total of more than 1.9 million employees. The average cost of absence per employee per year was  £692, which is a slight increase from the previous years figure of  £666. The annual cost of absence, as last year, is highest in the public sector, averaging  £784 per employee per year; however, this represents a reduction from the previous years figure of  £906 per employee per year. Manufacturing and production employers recorded the next highest cost at  £754 per employee per year, a slight fall from the figure for the year before of  £759. Absence costs among non-profit organisations also fell slightly to  £698 from  £741 per employee per year. Private services organisations recorded the lowest annual absence costs, averaging  £666 compared with the previous years figure of  £663. For an organisation with 1000 employees, t his is nearly three quarters of a million pounds per year. But direct costs are only a part of the problem. Absence disrupts production, operations, customer service and morale. Organisations have to spend extra money on temporary cover or overtime as a result. And unchecked absence can lead to bad feeling, conflict and disciplinary action, including dismissal. And that can lead to tribunal hearings, and even compensation payments, if organisations are unable to demonstrate that they have acted fairly. Why measure absence? A key element of managing absence effectively is accurate measurement and monitoring. An organisation must assess if it has a problem with absence, its extent and the best way to tackle it. Only 41% of employers monitor the cost of employee absence, a figure which has remained low over the last few years. Employers should collect and use data to identify particular patterns of absence and underlying causes, for example, the management style of a particular manager or an increase in workloads. It can also provide evidence of how absence impacts on the bottom line and why it is worth investing in an effective absence management programme. There are a number of measures that can be used to assess absence, each of which gives information about different aspects of absence. There are two aspects to absence in Coleg Sir Gar: 1. Total time lost 2. How that time is distributed. Total time lost This is the crudest measure and the one used most often. To calculate this, the total number of days that could be worked in the organisation is added. Then the number of days that were lost due to absence are deducted and expressed as a fraction of the total. In a sense, this is the cost of the extra people that the organisation has to employ purely because of absence. For example, an organisation of 1000 people with an absence rate of 3.5 per cent has to employ 35 more people than would otherwise be necessary, just to cover the absence. How that time is distributed Many organisations only measure the total time lost. Yet this figure can describe several quite different problems. In a department of 30 people, an absence rate of 3.5 per cent could result from one person being away for a year with a longà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœterm illness, with no other absence in the department, or it could result from everyone taking small amounts of time off. Or it could result from a few people taking quite long absences. Before you can define the problem, you have to ask: Who is being absent? How often are they being absent? How long are they being absent for? Bradford Factor The Bradford Factor identifies persistent short-term absence for individuals, by measuring the number of spells of absence, and is therefore a useful measure of the disruption caused by this type of absence. It is calculated using the formula: S x S x D S = number of spells of absence in 52 weeks taken by an individual D = number of days of absence in 52 weeks taken by that individual For example: 10 one-day absences: 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000 1 ten-day absence: 1 x 1 x 10 = 10 5 two-day absences: 5 x 5 x 10 = 250 2 five-day absences: 2 x 2 x 10 = 40 The trigger points will differ between organisations. As for all unauthorised absence, the underlying causes will need to be identified. So should we try to manage absence? After all, if someone is ill, they are ill. The answer is that we should. And there are several reasons for this. Stopping theft of working time. Some people do take unauthorised time off for no reason other than personal gain. These people are stealing. They are stealing from their employer, because they are being paid for work they are not doing, and they are putting unfair extra work on to their colleagues. Stopping this theft of time is a clear moral and legal imperative. Some people take time off because they have a problem. This may be a personal problem, or a problem affecting someone close to them. By investigating the absence, managers can find out about such problems. In many cases, the organisation will then be able to offer support to the employee. In the longer term, this will reduce absence and help the employee. Some people take time off because of stress or unhappiness with work. It is very likely that these problems will be affecting performance generally, quite apart from affecting attendance. Investigating the absence may uncover such problems and enable the manager to address them, resulting in better performance in general and less absence. There must be no question of trying to coerce someone who is genuinely and unavoidably ill into coming to work. But in this case it is still important that the organisation knows the facts and so is able to plan its response accordingly. The sick employee may well suffer unnecessary extra stress and anxiety if he or she is not sure how the organisation views the illness. Directly confronting the illness, and being clear about the organisations attitude to it, will not only help the organisation know what it has to deal with, it can help the employee deal with the illness, too. Confronting and discussing absence not only helps the organisation, it helps the absentee. What causes absence? First, the causes of absence should be looked at to provide insight into the problem and to illustrate the areas where policy has an influence. Research shows that the causes of absence fall into the following four distinct clusters: The general health and lifestyle of employees and its impact on attendance at work has been a popular topic for research. Virtually all studies demonstrate a clear link, for example, between smoking and increased absence. Similarly research shows a strong link with excessive alcohol use and absence. For a proportion of employees there is a strong direct relationship between absence and poor health, but for others nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ medical factors are equally important. Absence management polices need to discriminate between those who are unavoidably absent due to illness and those whose health is affected by factors over which the employer can have some influence. Employers who are able to support health education programmes which promote healthier lifestyles and actions such as providing healthy meals at work, encouraging exercise and aiding those who wish to give up smoking will all benefit from the improved general health of employees and reduced staff sickness rates. Some aspects of the working environment affect the wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ being of staff. Research into how work is organised has shown the importance of team working with absence being lower where people work in small collaborative teams. Absence can also be a way of avoiding aspects of work that are emotionally demanding or stressful. The long hours culture also has an adverse impact on absence. A strong link exists between those who consistently work more than their contracted hours and both psychological and physical sickness levels. Management actions such as team working, awareness of health and safety issues and discouraging the working of excessive hours can all help to reduce the adverse impact of these factors. How employees feel about their working lives has been shown to be an important influence on attendance. Research has demonstrated that organisational commitment has a directly beneficial effect on absence and through this to business outcomes. The major influence on the creation of this commitment has been identified as the line manager and the quality of their relationship with their staff. The sensitive handling of change within organisations, often in the hands of line managers, is also essential as various features of the change process are associated with deterioration in employees health. These include uncertainty, lack of control, role ambiguity and job insecurity which can lead directly to reduce physical and mental health. Stress and absence are generally also shown to be related, although in the field of research the definition of stress is problematic and whether it should it be regarded as psychological or as a series of physiological symptoms has not yet been resolved. C areer satisfaction is one of the more powerful predictors of absence behaviour. Absence is higher among those expressing dissatisfaction with their careers. Among those who have marketable skills and are often absent the likelihood of them resigning is high. A link also exists between resigning and attendance behaviour. Those with poor attendance records are more likely to express an intention to leave and there is evidence that those with high absence rates are indeed at a greater risk of leaving. What policies need to contain? Good policies should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of key factors such as line managers, senior managers, the HR function, the occupational health function and the individuals themselves. They should also establish procedures to ensure that each case is treated in the same way and that standardised information on absence is collected. The first step to managing absence effectively is to ensure that you have a clear policy in place that supports your organisations business objectives and culture. Legislation requires employers to provide staff with information on any terms and conditions relating to incapacity for work due to sickness or injury, including any provision for sick pay. Effective absence policies must spell out employees rights and obligations when taking time off from work due to sickness. The policy should: provide details of contractual sick pay terms and its relationship with statutory sick pay outline the process employees must follow if taking time off sick covering when and whom employees should notify if they are not able to attend work include when (after how many days) employees need a self-certificate form contain details of when they require a fit note from their doctor explain that adjustments may be appropriate to assist the employee in returning to work as soon as is practicable mention that the organisation reserves the right to require employees to attend an examination by a company doctor and (with the workers consent) to request a report from the employees doctor include provisions for return-to-work interviews as these have been identified as the most effective intervention to manage short-term absence. Sickness absence policies are put in place to manage sickness absence. Staff are expected to maintain a satisfactory record of attendance. However, the aim is to balance the sensitive nature of individual sickness and ill health against its needs to achieve its objectives. As a caring employer, the aim is to assist employees to retain or regain good health. It is essential that the procedures be carried out with tact and sensitivity and a realisation that the management of attendance is the joint responsibility of the line manager and the individual member of staff. Human Resources (HR) will be available to advise and support line managers and their staff. Employees may be requested to consent to be examined by the occupational doctor or nurse and to agree to allow Occupational Health to provide a medical report. Employees may also refer themselves to Occupational Health. If a member of staff fails to comply with notification or certification procedures or otherwise abuse the procedu res, the disciplinary procedure may be used. The policy and procedure that apply are: This policy and associated procedure incorporate the following principles. Good faith The policy and procedures will be applied to all members of staff in a consistent manner and without discrimination. Fairness Any action taken will be reasonable and necessary.  Members of staff involved are entitled to be heard with courtesy and respect. Confidentiality Information relating to sickness absence will only be shared with individuals who have a need to know. Representation If issues of attendance arise within these procedures and a formal approach is required to deal with them, a member of staff will be entitled to be accompanied by a trade union representative or by a work colleague.   Conclusions Recommendations Accepting absence as unavoidable and inevitable in an organisation creates a culture of poor attendance. This highlights the critical role of managers in communicating clearly the organisations expectations on attendance. Without positive action it is possible to have a culture where absence is just accepted as uncontrollable, or in the worst scenario, viewed as entitlement to extra leave. Overall, it is clear that managing absence is complex, and a successful approach must involve a mix of elements that successfully support those that are genuinely ill and deter the small minority of those that are absent for non-health-related reasons. Line managers are key in terms of implementing the policy, but they must be adequately supported by other areas of the organisation, such as senior management, the HR function and the occupational health function. Further, it is important for line managers to achieve the right balance when managing sickness absence, and to learn to tailor their approach appropriately. For example, in terms of the frequency and type of contact with individuals during long-term sickness absence, what is right for some individuals may not work for others, who may want more or less frequent contact? It is therefore up to line managers to find the appropriate balance between what is perceived as intrusion and support. Communicating the objectives of any attendance policy clearly to all staff members is essential. A policy which is to be credible and successful needs to be understood throughout an organisation and applied consistently and fairly. An individuals case of sick absence, depending on length, can require actions from various individuals and services such as the line manager, senior managers, the HR function, the HR Business Partner, Occupational Health Services and the Employee Assistance Provider. For an attendance policy to be effective in practice it is essential that the respective roles of the individuals and services involved in managing cases of absence are defined. This ensures that cases are handled systematically and efficiently. At any point in an absence it should be known who is responsible for each aspect and what outcomes are to be expected. Once the areas of responsibility are defined the procedures to be applied need to be established. This makes certain that each case i s treated the same way, that similar approaches are used and standardised information collected. Word Count excluding references: 3,090
Thursday, September 19, 2019
DXM vs. a religion we call the media: the day the world shat its pants :: essays research papers
DAY ONE â€Å"I don’t know. I drink half-a-bottle of cough syrup and I end up with this ingenious poem. Go figure†     â€Å"Well I suppose I’ll give it a try.†DAY TWO      â€Å"Dude, look at this painting I did because of the cough syrup.†          â€Å"See dude, I told you. It makes you smarter.†     â€Å"Totally.†Then they tell two friends And they tell two friends And they tell two friends And so on And so on GENERATIONS LATER Soon word gets around to big names Big names tell the right people The right people turn DXM into a pill designed, Not to prevent coughs,                                    But to, As it says on the box it comes in,                                    Make you smarter. DXM becomes mainstream A household substance approved by the FDA Everybody does it Everybody likes it Everybody wants it      Except for those metalling kids who hate everything that is mainstream. MORE GENERATIONS PASS Those metalling kids grow up Get hair cuts Get jobs Get married And have metalling kids of their own Their own metalling kids grow up and have more metalling kids      Out of all the metalling kids populated in this world, one of them catches a break and becomes a big rock star      He’s looked up to      Idolized and praised      By millions of metalling kids who hate mainstream JUST LIKE HIM So he’s up there. His name is thrown all over the media. His name is big. His name means something. It means â€Å"I HATE MAINSTREAM†and â€Å"I'M A METALLING KID, JUST LIKE ALL OF YOU†â€Å"I'M YOUNG†â€Å"I'M CUTE†And â€Å"I'M REBELLIOUS†And now that all of you look up to me I can’t let you down I gotta find something I can attack      And I gotta rock      And I gotta roll And I gotta rock and roll hard So I ask myself â€Å" what am I gonna attack?†And I answer myself â€Å"I'm gonna attack mainstream.†And I ask myself again â€Å" what am I gonna attack that is mainstream?†And again, I answer myself by sayingâ€Å" the mainstream I am going to attack is a little old miracle substance forever known as DXM†So our little metalling rock star goes into hiding for a while trying to find all the dirt he can about DXM: the drug that makes you                smarter. Days pass Weeks pass Months pass And all the while All the fans All over the world           Are splitting up into two categories      The Appalled and The Obsessed The Appalled say      He’s gone, and he’s never commin back, EVER It’s time to move on. And The Obsessed say      Just you wait. He’s commin back and is gonna be better then ever                     And I'm gonna be waitin                          Right here. And believe it or not, a whole year passes.
A Synagogue Essay -- Papers
A Synagogue A synagogue will look like any other building from the outside - the only sign you might get from the outside is the star of David which is called magen David in the Hebrew tongue. There may also be a sign outside stating the name of the synagogue. There are many names for a synagogue such as; shul - which means school in Hebrew, bet haknesset, which means house of assembly - this is only used by Sephardim, which is oriental Jews. A synagogue is primarily a place of worship but also functions as a community centre for the Jews. The building is so important that the whole Jewish community that worship there will revolve around the building. It is used as a teaching school for Jewish children where they will be taught the Hebrew alphabet, numbers of Hebrew and about their faith. This school is a Jewish equivalent to a Christian 'Sunday school.' If you now go inside you would see that the synagogue is rectangular and although you will not realise it, but the whole synagogue is built facing Israel, if possible, Jerusalem. There will be a sink where the congregation will wash their hands and feet before praying or worshipping. You will also notice that there are separate seats. This is because in orthodox synagogues, the men sit on the ground floor and worship and the women sit in the gallery. There is a good reason for this - and not because the Jews are sexist - but because in Judaism, the men take on the role of worshipping and the women are expected to look after the house and the children so if people were late (the women). This may be because they had to change the baby or something like that so instead of disturbi... ...yed and the hymns and songs are sung without the aid or backup of music. In a liberal or reformed synagogue however things would be very different, for instance, there is quite a large chance that a female rabbi would be conducting the service, the man and women are more 'equal' they sit together and worship together as one big mass. The bimah may be at the front which, in my opinion, gives a sense of preaching and I think Jews know their religion, they don't need to be educated about it they just want to worship god. There also may be an organ to accompany songs and hymns because music is permitted in reformed synagogues. There would also be slightly less Hebrew spoken. So this synagogue I have described to you is an orthodox synagogue. Orthodox translates to "right belief" and is considered to be traditional Judaism.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Lives of the Inuit Essay -- World Civilization
When you mention Alaska and the Arctic Circle, one envisions igloos, dog sleds, and invariably, Eskimos. However, little do most know, that what most refer to as Eskimos is actually a generalization representing three distinct groups. In order to understand the societies that live in this region and acknowledge their cultural differences we must explore the different groups that inhabit this region of which there are two: the Inuit, and the Yupik. For the purposes of this discussion we will focus on the lives of the Inuit. The Inuit are a group of people often mischaracterized as Eskimos. They lived in the area of central and northeastern Canada and Greenland. There has been much discussion of the orignination of this group of people but the most recognized theory is that they crossed from northern Asia across thin bridge of land over the Bering Strait sometime around 6000-2000 BC. Many people mistakenly think that the Inuit and Native Americans are one in the same. It seems that the Inuit most likely came from Asia more likely than the Native Americans. Although both probably came to the Americas through the Bering Strait. Biological, cultural and dialect differences show the different origin. Much of this theory is supported due to the close resemblance of the Inuit to the Mongoloid races of Eastern Asia. Because of the harsh land and climate of the Arctic, this area was probably one of the last regions to be inhabite d making the Inuit on of the earth’s younger cultures. A large portion of the Inuit culture was developed based upon the need to survive. Migratory societies such as the Inuit were driven by the need for food to feed its members, by the availability of trade to secure resources not normally available ... ...ith many fluctuations in prices due to fashion trends, especially in Europe. With the growth of the animal rights movement in the 1960s, fur prices decreased to the point that the industry was only barely sustainable. At the same time, the HBC trading posts had morphed into retail stores, and were doing a different kind of business across the North. They exist today as the Northern Store in the communities, a sort of grocery plus department store. Works Cited Jones, J. Sidney. (2012). Inuit, . Retrieved March 11, 2012, from The Inuit Culture. (2009). Retrieved March 10, 2012, from Frederic V. Grunfeld (Ed.), Oker: Spiele der Welt II. (in German) Fischer, Frankfurt/M 1984. ISBN 3-596-23075-6 Pulaarvik Friendship Kablu Centre (2007). Retrieved March 7,2012, from
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Bharati Mukherjee, American Dreamer Essay
The thing that is most significant about this title was that you have to realize the true essence of judging a person for being regular instead of judging someone by their handicap. The title’s significance seems to be a certain way of getting to know what the article may be about. The title itself gives off a sense of mystery being that the title is drawing the reader into actually finding out what this article is going to be about. It is like the author had wanted to make the title pop out to you and draw you in making you want to read about the article. Kind of like a cliffhanger in stories that draws the reader to want to read more about it. The author’s purpose of this article is to try to inform readers about his/her personal idea and opinion. The author may be trying to inform readers about what has gone in a certain situation and what has also been done about the current situation. The author is informing readers about a certain technique that the British police have used to interrogate people. Mainly trying to determine whether people are actually lying in these interrogations. The author says that the United States will be the next to learn the techniques. My own personal experience would be how I try to determine whether someone is lying to me. I always want to know if there are people who will lie instead of just telling the truth in the end. I have realized that people will lie about any type of thing just to get whatever they want in life. I honestly can’t agree with people who will lie. I respect everything that the British has done by developing this certain technique.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Business Ethics at Acme Corporation Essay
Mr. Frank Garcia was a new salesman at Acme Corporation. At Acme Corporation the corporate culture was top down or hierarchal and Garcia quickly learned that because of the competitive nature of the medical supplies industry few mistakes were tolerated. One of his very first sales clients was Mr. Otis Hillman, the buyer for Thermocare, a national hospital chain. The sale was a huge success resulting in a $500,000 contract for Acme and an additional bonus of $1,000 for Mr. Garcia. Months later, Mr. Garcia called on Mr. Hillman of Thermocare to increase the existing contract by some $500,000. The deal went through and Garcia received yet another bonus and a letter of achievement from the vice president of Marketing, however the deal cost Acme Corporation a pair of season tickets to the Cubs. On another occasion, Mr. Garcia approached Thermocare for an additional contract worth $750,000, once again Garcia was successful, but this time in return for the favor Acme had to pay for a trip to Cancun Mexico for Mr. Hillman and his wife. Lastly Acme Corporation decided to host a thank you party in Las Vegas for all of their best clients. The clients were informed that, if there is anything that they needed that they should let their salesperson know. That very night Mr. Hillman from Thermocare approached, Mr. Garcia and suggested to him that he was interested in attending an â€Å"adult entertainment club†. Garcia informed his boss, Amber about his client’s request. Amber was very laid back and replied, â€Å"we will take care of it†, however Garcia was a little concerned and asked â€Å"but what will Acme say if this gets out? †to which Amber responded, â€Å"Don’t worry, it won’t. †Taking a closer look at this scenario with Thermocare, Acme Corporation is faced with a few ethical issues. Firstly, we can look at the ethical issue of bribery. It is clear to see that in order for a sale to be successful, Garcia had to bribe Mr. Hillman on each occasion. In other words, each time Garcia proposed a new deal/contract to Thermocare it resulted in a cost Acme. Another ethical issue is Acme paying for Mr. Hillman to attend an adult entertainment club, an activity that is considered to be morally unaccepted and frowned upon by society. Additionally, even though Amber, Mr. Garcia’s supervisor was made aware of these unethical situations regarding the sale contracts with Thermocare, she was so concerned about making a profit that she had no issue with complying with their demands. One may ask, if Mr. Garcia was correct in complying with the demands/wishes of Mr. Hillman. In my opinion, Mr. Garcia was only following orders from his supervisor. If there is any one to blame for the ethical misconduct it should be Amber. In each instance, Mr. Garcia referred the situation to Amber. Furthermore, as the supervisor it was Amber’s responsibility to ensure that Mr. Garcia was conducting business in an ethical manner, however in reality Amber was not doing her job. On the other hand all of the blame should not be solely placed on Amber. It is obvious that Mr. Garcia was also driven by the need for large cash bonuses, in the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was unethical, however as long as he was getting rewarded for his sales performance, he saw no problem with meeting the demands of Mr. Hillman. He figured as long as he making money for the company, what he was doing was indeed justified. However it could be argued that, Mr. Garcia could have easily referred the matter with Thermocare to another supervisor, if he felt that the decision he made, would have negatively impacted the reputation of Acme Corporation as an ethical corporate citizen. In conclusion, we all know that in order for businesses to survive, they must earn a profit. However the life of an organization may be shortened if these profits are realized through misconduct. Additionally businesses must balance their desires for profits against the needs and desires of society, and maintaining this balance often requires comprises. In the case of Acme Corporation if they wish to achieve and maintain a standard as a reputable and ethical corporation it must discontinue its current business practices and sales techniques. Furthermore, Acme must establish an ethics program that will communicate the core values of the organization to all employees and clearly capture the rules and principles that the company defines as appropriate conduct.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How does Steinbeck present Lennie and George Essay
How does Steinbeck present Lennie and George in the 1st chapter? Lennie and George’s father and son like relationship is clearly one of love, although from the beginning we sense George’s frustration due to Lennie’s constant childish behaviour. George is very protective over Lennie, â€Å"Lennie for God’s sake don’t drink so much!†because he has been told to look after him by his â€Å"Aunt Clara†. George does like having Lennie around as he says, â€Å"No you stay with me†. As Lennie and George are itinerant workers, it can be a very lonely life so the fact that they have each other means that they are very lucky. However this constant responsibility can obviously present problems, George says â€Å"When I think of the swell time I could’ve had without you†, having Lennie around has stopped him from doing lots of things other men of his age would’ve done. George is quite clearly the leading role in their r elationship. As we know, Lennie is mentally not all there as he uses simple and un-educated language, such as ‘Look, George. Look what I done.†Due to Lennie being childish and not very intelligent it means that he has to rely on George an awful lot. An example suggesting that Lennie is reliant on George is that â€Å"They had walked in single file down the path†. This suggests that George is in control and acts as a parent like figure, it also showing George’s intelligence and maturity. This responsibility that George has to look after Lennie means that he is very protective, he says â€Å"Don’t drink so much†. This is an example of George being a paternal figure, this is an imperative and he says it sharply implying that he is worried about George. George has to repeatedly remind Lennie if he wants him to do or not do something. In the 1st chapter it is suggested by Steinbeck that Lennie has animal qualities to match his childish behaviour. His big stature makes up for his childish behaviour as George can get Lennie to do tasks that he wouldn’t otherwise be able to do, as he is small. He tells Lennie, â€Å"Flood water wood. Now you go get it†. In the book it says that he was â€Å"sno rting like a horse†and â€Å"dragging†his feet. I think that Steinbeck’s reason for doing this is to show that Lennie is to be looked after and can be irrational, just as an animal is, and he needs to be given direction â€Å"like a horse†. He seeks praise just as a dog would to its owner, Lennie says â€Å"Look George Look†, this implies that Lennie aspires to be like George and is constantly in awe of George. We are also told that with his strength he can accidently use his strength to be dangerous, an example of animal imagery used to describe Lennie as dangerous is that he uses his â€Å"paw†. This is an example of foreboding because, just as in Weed, he may do something that may get them into trouble. We are told early on that George and Lennie are both have the same aspiration, and that is to have a ‘little house’ and ‘some rabbits’. Although they want it for different purposes this is something they aspire to do, and they want to do it together. Lennie’s is to have rabbits due to his obsession with petting animals, mice on the particular occasion in the woods, â€Å"it’s on’y a mouse George†. George’s aspiration is more to do with the f act that they will no longer need to worry about getting a job, which is certainly difficult with Lennie. They want to â€Å"live off the fat of the land†, suggesting that they don’t want to work for anyone and be continuingly undermined by bosses and having to live in such awful conditions. They don’t want to be one of the stereotypes as they say â€Å"us guys are the loneliest guys in the world†. To conclude, I think that Steinbeck presents Lennie and George with a strong relationship. George being a father like figure to Lennie. They both need each other, otherwise they would be lonely just like other itinerant workers at this time. Lennie really does look up to George and there has been a strong sense of foreboding through the actions from the past that we find out about. As the book progresses I can expect the reader to understand more fully that the relationship that these two men have.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Jesuit Relations Proposal Paper Essay
The views taken by the Jesuits and Hurons towards medicine and disease varied during the spread of old world disease among the native population of North America. These two groups had very different ways of dealing with the diseases and there use of medicine. Throughout the reading of chapter 3 in the Jesuit Relations book, we see certain ways that these two groups collided heads because they did not seem to agree with each other’s methods. They (Jesuits and Hurons) both wanted to do help their town population and the only ways they knew what to do is what their culture and people had already done years before. Some of the methods of these groups worked while others not so much. First point of view to be touched on is the Jesuits and what their role was during the old-world diseases. The Jesuits really focused on the question of why rather than how disease spread (The Jesuit Relations, page. 71). They questioned it, meaning disease, and believed that it was God’s plan to get certain people sick to â€Å"punish the wicked, test the resolution of the virtuous, or simply gather souls to heaven†(The Jesuit Relations, page 71). They thought God was testing them and was punishing certain groups or people. The Jesuits were already immune to some of the diseases that is why there population did not get hit as hard by some of the old-world diseases then others. Their main idea was that they (Jesuits) are that they were not doctors. All they wanted to do is to save the souls of the sick, and as well as that they baptized the dead. The Jesuits did not believe in reviving and curing the dead. This was all apart of Gods way and the sick would be baptized and join his or her family and friends in heaven. That was their idea and these people understood this and believed that it was the right thing to do; it was the way of God. Another idea they believed in was that if a person is ill, that he or she should isolate themselves from the rest of the population. They could not help or do anything so it was better for them to be on their own until they were cured of their illness. This idea was very popular back home but when they ventured to the new world and saw what other people were doing, it really did not stick with them well. While they believed in their own ideas, they also would see what the Hurons did for their medicine and curing abilities. The Jesuits were surprised that the Hurons were so in touch with mother earth and not God. This really set the Jesuits and they did not like the new ideas. They could not believe that the Hurons did not believe in going to heaven. From the excerpt, The Help We Have Given to the Sick of Our Village, from the Jesuit Relation book â€Å"For my part, I have no desire to go to heaven; I know no one there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The Jesuit Relations, Page 81) this shows the Huron’s point of view for heaven. The Jesuits could not understand this unspiritual answer; they questioned the native and all they had to say. As the Jesuits have their ways of dealing with the disease, the Hurons had their own ways of dealing with the diseases as well. The Hurons were people of the land and had their own ways of dealing with the old-world diseases. As I mentioned earlier, the Hurons did not believe in going to heaven and baptizing the dead like the Jesuits felt. Hurons believed in natural medicines and curing people through sports as well as through spiritual healings. They felt as though they knew mother earth and knew that there were natural cures for certain sicknesses. Many Huron procedures involved the sickened personal mind and body. At first I was shocked that they played sports back in this time but as you think about it, it was a great idea on their behalf. â€Å"Little demon as large as a fist†(The Jesuit Relations, Huron Medical Practice, Page 72) this what the Hurons believe causes the pain in a sick person. They thought that some of these demons would come into your body when you are sleeping at night to enter your body through your dreams. To get these demons out and to be cured, the sick person would either play some sports or go through spiritual healings. They believed that these sports like Lacrosse, Dish and Straw (The Jesuit Relations, Page 73), were good for the body and they could run it off to keep the body healthy. The demons would exit their body through these sports and thus curing the sick person. Hurons would have big games and tournaments when they thought there was a bad epidemic as well as when there were multiple people ill. These people that were sick were advised to show up to the games so they could finally be healed. If the person who is sick cannot make it to the game then they have to be patient and wait while his people play for his wellbeing. It brought everyone together and these people, that were ill, brought all their lucky stuff and believed that it would help them overcome their illness too. The whole community was supportive. The Jesuits were shocked at this way of treatment because they did not think that would help the people and it was a waste of time, but to the Hurons it was their way of life. Not only did they think sports would help but also through spiritual healing and natural medicines like certain herbs. The sickened would go to these shamans, a spiritual / medical specialist, who would tell them what their best option would be. Sometimes it would be sports; other times they would give the sickened certain herbs that will cure their disease. It was a long process but it worked for the Hurons. The Hurons also sometimes blamed the Jesuits for some of the diseases that entered their land and believed that Jesuits were hostile sorcerers. As we can see, these two groups did truly have different views and roles on the diseases and medicines of this time. Each group’s views were shocking to each other because they could not agree with which methods worked better and what was more reliable. In the eyes of the Jesuits, they believe that it is the way of God. Sickened people need to isolate themselves and try to cure themselves, but if they do perish then their soul shall go to heaven. The way of the Jesuits is just God is on your side and it is ok to die because you will go to heaven. On the other hand you have the Hurons who are people of mother earth and sports. They believe that the sickened need to play sports to be cured and to have shamans perform mind and body work on the individual to be cured. The way of the Hurons is more natural and makes you fight for your life. The ideas are very different but those are the roles that these the Jesuit and Huron groups played during this time, which signifies and shapes each group into who they are.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Quality Control and Quality Assurance similarities and differences Assignment
Quality Control and Quality Assurance similarities and differences - Assignment Example Quality also means to seek continuous improvement in the products and services provided by any organization. It also means finding out those specific areas which need to be changed or improved in order to make sure that the organization meets the needs and demands of the customers. Importance of quality management in any organization or a company can never be denied. Improving and maintaining quality of products and services is a very important point of consideration for any organization to get success in a competitive market. Quality management is an ongoing process of building and sustaining relationships between the company and its customers by providing the customers with quality products. Kantner (2000) found that target of growth of business and gaining trust of customers in the competitive market can be achieved if we implement a proper quality management system in a company. Any organization or a company may encounter a big problem of loosing its precious and potential customers because of not paying enough attention towards the implementation of proper quality management system. It is a common fact that when a company or any specific business will not have proper implementation of any quality management system, it will surely make a worse impact not o nly on the growth and development of the company but also on retention of the customers of the company. If a company wants to achieve market domination, the management of that company needs to provide its customers with quality in the products that it delivers. Chung (1999) found that quality, in any business or company, can only be attained when the workers of that specific company will be motivated to improve the standard of the products. If we talk about quality control, we can say that quality control is a process which is employed in order to ensure a required level of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Career plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Career plan - Assignment Example He showed early signs of being entrepreneurial and later attributed business practices as a key to his success in acquiring and expanding business. Pickens and his family moved to Oklahoma to Amarillo, Texas in late 1930s.He began studying at the University of Texas after finishing High School and graduated with a degree in geology in 1951 from Oklahoma A&M (now called Oklahoma State University).To kick start the career, the great business leader joined Philips petroleum and worked there until 1954.He then worked in exploratory well digging and later on in 1956 founded Mesa Petroleum. Under the watchful eye of Pickens, by 1981, Mesa grew to be one of the largest independent oil companies in the world. In 1989 Pickens founded Boon Pickens capital management; whose funds dealt with oil and natural gas and which earned him $2.7 billion by 2007.In 1997 T. Boone Pickens created the Pickens Fuel Corp., a company promoting the use of natural gas a cleaner-burning fuel-alternative for automo biles. Researches done by Pickens in the oil industry supported the claim made by other scientists, â€Å"the world’s oil supply is on decline’. As a result he created a fuel company in 1997 that promoted the use of natural gas a cleaner-burning fuel-alternative for automobiles (US Natural Gas). He planned world’s largest wind farm for Texas Panhandle. ... 2. My Career Plan Taking the various internal and external factors into account discussed in the following sections, I have decided to for Finance major in Oil and Gas sector. It is not so much under my control to sketch and build a perfect career. Therefore, I have decided to implement principles and strategies of the American Business leader: T.Boone.Pickens into my career plan. 2.1 Selecting career goals Like Pickens ,the first goal is to create real value and not just earn money and expand personal wealth ( these will invariably have to follow ); To draw out academic and career goals I would rather prefer answering two questions: What qualifications and skills did I acquire ? What knowledge to develop and experience to gather? Then my task will be to complete and submit application and financial aid requirements for admissions to postgraduate ‘oil and gas sector’ financial consultant programs. 2.2 Knowing Yourself Everyone should know and understand his likes and dis likes choosing a career and becoming successful. Listed below are the questions I answered while exploring myself in choosing career: What do I enjoy doing? What am I good at? Which field interests me? How much adaptive am I to changing situations? 2.2.1 Strengths Communication skills. I work intelligently with all kinds of people and understand that each client has different priorities and objectives about projects and work tasks. I keep this in mind when communicating tasks that need to be accomplished with positive reinforcement and awareness of what others are working on. Flexibility to handle change. Since my childhood I had been able to adapt myself easily to any kind of social & cultural
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Love.Write a blog in which you define double consciousness and how Essay
Love.Write a blog in which you define double consciousness and how race can affect your interaction with other groups - Essay Example Race has a significant influence on trust issues. Race will influence how certain people process information and will likely influence the way they chose to interact with other races. In addition, most young black people grow up being taught with a lot of emphasis about how their ancestors went through racial discrimination. To them this creates a sense of their own identity (Nunnally 55). This historical knowledge of racial discrimination tends to affect how blacks associate with the whites and other groups. Older black folks have more experience in terms of racial discrimination than younger blacks do. The concept of double consciousness still exists today even though it has taken a different look. The African Americans proclaim being victimized in public but stress on personal strength and initiative in private (McWhorter 13). Some black writers note that focusing on the achievement of African Americans seems to overlook the idea that being black is still a tragedy. The recent presidential election to some African Americans was more of a victory than an election in terms of racial
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Research Assignment Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assignment - Research Paper Example It is worth mentioning in this regard that the company has taken several precautionary measures relating to environment by identifying and applying production processes imposing a minimum impact on the natural environment (Campbell Soup Company, â€Å"Nourishing Our Consumers, Neighbors, Employees, and Our Planet†). In order to combine the company’s efforts in attaining the predetermined objectives towards developing a sustainable environment, the company has established and divided its long term goals and targets into six basic areas which can be identified as water conservation, sustainable agriculture, carbon intensity, waste management, energy, and sustainable packaging. Thesis Statement The discussion conducted henceforth attempts to critically analyze the role of Campbell Soup Company in discharging its Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) with due consideration to its performance over the recent years. Facts Related to the CSR Activities of the Campbell Soup C ompany In relation to its CSR activities, the primary goal of the company is to reduce the use of water and Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in the process of manufacturing products, i.e. various food products. The other supporting goals include reduction of energy usage upto 35% and augmentation of energy sources up to 40% utilizing the renewable sources of energy. Furthermore, the company aims to recycle 95% of wastes generated due to its global operations thereby reducing the use of water and mitigating carbon footprints upto 20% (Campbell Soup Company, â€Å"Nourishing Our Consumers, Neighbors, Employees, and Our Planet†). As per the recent facts, Campbell’s performance during the fiscal year 2011 (i.e. from Aug 1, 20110 to July 31, 2011) and its achievements in the fiscal year 2012 can be identified as listed below: The company has been constructed on 60 acres of a solar field with 10-MW power generating capacity In its largest manufacturing site, 24000 sun trackin g panels have been installed to generate at least 15 percent of the electricity needed for its operations The company’s donation to environmental control measures increased in the current fiscal year to $40 million The company has also introduced an innovative initiative titled as ‘The Way We Work’ in order to build safe and socially responsible working environment to ensure integrated results The company has also instigated school support programs by launching Campbell’s Labels for Education with an aim to generate environmental awareness amid the society The company has also declared a charitable commitment of $10 in its home town in New Jersey Corporate Social Responsibilities Issues Faced by Campbell Soup Company With due significance to Campbell’s worldwide operations, the company has been identified to witness four major issues related to its CSR activities. The issues majorly relates with nourishing consumers, neighbors or community members, employees and the planet at large. Nourishing Consumers The company plans to invest significantly towards the enhancement of innovation capabilities
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