Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Community Policing Essay Example for Free
Community Policing Essay 1. Explain the concept Total Quality Management (TQM) and give examples of each stage of the process (Lesson Two Notes and Internet Research). TQM is a structured approach to organizational management. It entails several steps to identify, assess and implement solutions to problems. The first step is to identify a problem: This could be a patient complaint or an internal process that is not working. The next step would be to assess any needed corrective action. This is done through teamwork and collaboration by brainstorming on how the complaint can be resolved or what part of the process is not working. The questions to ask are; how can we improve? Additional steps are implementing the new process and checking the quality to see if it is actually an improvement. This is done through feedback, surveys and visual observance. 2. How is the nature of crime changing? What types of crimes do you feel we will have to deal with in the future, possibly some that we presently do not deal with? Crime has been changing in numerous ways. With the internet, to name a few, there are crimes of fraud, identity theft and hackers using spam and viruses to steal information and funds. Bank robberies are occurring online and criminals are avoiding the risk of getting caught by robbing them in person. New drugs are manufactured or smuggled into the US constantly and law enforcement is not able to keep up. With the advancements of electronic technology, I foresee many crimes being committed against people who use electronics solely for protecting their home, investments, etc. Hackers will be able to bypass any home security system and gain entry through electronic means. We will no longer be safe in the fortress we thought was solid. Another crime that has the potential to escalate is the creation and selling of coins simila r to bitcoins. Because they are relatively new, people don’t know much about them and take a risk in investing in them. I can visualize fraud and Ponzi type crimes as a result. 3. Explain what is meant by the title of Chapter Two: Engaging in a Changing Society. Be sure to give examples. Actually the title is â€Å"Partnerships in a Changing Society†and discusses the relationship between the community and police as times change. This includes a number of concepts like; communitarianism, in which a community is given the rights and responsibilities to take care of itself by developing community watches, preventing drug dealers from selling in their neighborhoods; social capital, which is a form of bonding between the community and its individuals, like churches and schools. And last but not least there are volunteers who provide an invaluable service to the police free of charge. These services range from fundraising to helping out in soup kitchens. 4. How does the traditional police organization contrast with the community problem solving strategy of community policing? There are several ways traditional policing contrasts with COPPS. Initially, the government was solely responsible for ensuring laws were enforced while now, both the public and police work together to prevent crimes. In the past, issues important to the police were not important or not taken seriously by other public service departments. In today’s policing, they all assume some responsibility in trying to improve quality of life. Crimes that netted high values were the focus of law enforcement while now, crimes that disrupt a citizens way of like and is of concern has become the focus. These are but just a few ways the two contrasts. 5. How can government most effectively expand its commitment to customer service? Currently, the government has offered services online as well as post updated information to be reviewed by the public. These include; calls for services as some police departments, sheriff’s departments share information about sex offenders in the area as well as arrests and police reports on a daily basis. By providing this type of information to the public, it shows the government as being a willing participant in an effort to protect our communities.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Fall of the House of Usher Essay -- Literary Analysis, Edgar Allen
In the story â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†by Edgar Allen Poe, the character Roderick Usher is the last male member of the Usher family. The Usher family has a nearly impeccable direct line of descent as stated in paragraph 3 of the story. Roderick has only one living relative, his sister Madeline. This means that the Usher family is in jeopardy of disappearing because neither Roderick nor his sister has any children. Therefore there is a possibility of incest between Roderick and Madeline. However this could result in many difficulties and problems for the potential children and possibly on the consciences of Roderick and Madeline. In the story Roderick sings a poem entitled â€Å"The Haunted Palace†to the narrator of the story. Since Roderick Usher is having doubts about the security of his family line he uses the poem as a way of expressing these emotions without stating them explicitly. The organization of the stanzas in â€Å"The Haunted Palace†shows a lot about the poem’s overall meaning. The poem is literally about a palace in a beautiful valley. The palace is inhabited by spirits and a ruler of the valley. The valley is a happy place until it is attacked by evil spirits and their ruler dies. The attack of the spirits leaves the palace a dark and gloomy place. But this literal translation of the poem does not show its metaphorical meaning. A metaphor of the poem can be found through the organization of the poem as a whole. Stanza I describes the setting of the poem: â€Å"In the greenest of our valleys†(1.1). It also mentions the palace which is in the valley. Stanza II describes the palace in more detail, labelling it as a beautiful place. Stanza III gives information on the tenants of the palace; spirits live inside with â€Å"the ru... ...oderick refers to the spirits as good and says that they sing about: â€Å"The wit and wisdom of their king.†(4.8). â€Å"The ruler of the realm†(3.8) whom the spirits are singing about could represent the house of Usher, but not the literal house of Usher, instead they are singing about the Usher family. It is known that this is a name often given to both the house and the family: â€Å"†¦the ‘House of Usher’ – an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion.†(Poe par.3) Therefore Roderick could be saying all of this because he is proud of his family and believes that he is letting down the â€Å"House of Usher†by not continuing the direct line of descent that his family has continued for so many years. Thus when the king dies in the poem (5.3-4), Roderick could think that his family line has already died.
Monday, January 13, 2020
My Adventure
My Traveling Adventure The wind hummed past my head, and I noticed off to my side that the sky was starting to clear and that the water surrounding me was becoming a brighter shade of blue. The features of my destination were quickly becoming more distinguishable with each second that passed. Only fifteen minutes before, the features coming into view had appeared as small white dots across the horizon. Looking at my small digital watch, I noticed that the time was 3:45 p. m. , five minutes away from the island of Islesboro. The voyage across Penobscot Bay to Islesboro was one of excitement for me.The excursion to Islesboro started in the coastal town of Lincolnville, Maine. Waiting in the parking lot of the Lobster Pound Restaurant, I frequently saw young children frolicking across the sandy Lincolnville Beach off of Route 1. The smell of freshly cooked seafood and salty sea air mixed together while I sat on one of the bucolic wooden benches along the shore. The Margaret Chase Smith, the Maine State Ferry Service's ship that ventured to Islesboro and back, quickly docked at the end of a long wooden pier strewn with barnacles.The ferry navigated back and forth between eight monstrous black rubber pads jutting out from the water until it finally halted. The rusty metal ramp lowered onto the deck of the ship as cars started their loud engines, intruding upon the tranquility of the scene. My grandfather and I cautiously walked onto the ship after all the outgoing cars had departed. We gave the attendant our tickets and then watched the cars behind us drive onto the ferry like young children following their grade school teacher.After rushing up the water-coated staircase to the observation deck, I instinctively ran over to one of the large, four-foot windows in the observation room. My grandfather approached me and lifted up the heavy glass window. I loved feeling the cool sea breeze rush past me. As a child, I adored scavenger hunts, and the zenith of my voyage was when I rushed up to the ship's fire plan document displayed for general viewing above the ship's main water fountain. I searched the ship with my grandfather for all of the fire extinguishers, returned to the map to observe if there were any that I ad missed, and then journeyed again to find the unnoticed extinguishers. I proceeded to do the same for the life preservers, life jackets, and even the water hoses. My grandfather, waiting at the front of the observation room, assisted me up the stairs to the upper deck; by that time, enough time had passed so that the trip was almost complete. The top level of the ship was less active than any other place on the ship. Few people had the courage to stay on the windy, cold deck above the observation rooms. The only sound on the third level was the rumbling thunder of the electrical motor escaping from the captain's chamber.An unpleasant metal chain bearing the simple â€Å"CREW ONLY†sign guarded the white cabin. I had found it to be an ideal location to take panoramic pictures of the surroundings. Focusing on the horizon, one could obtain a perfect picture of nearby Mt. Battie in Camden or the Islesboro lighthouse. It was also an outstanding place to grasp the railings and look over the side of the ship, noticing an occasional whitecap or piece of driftwood floating in the overall calm sea. Another of my favorite locations on the ship was standing at the bow of the ferry, clutching in my hands the rusty metal chain barricading the exit.From this site, I was able to see everything directly in front of the ship and view the entire Islesboro dock as it rapidly approached. It had been from this location where I spotted a porpoise emerging from the bright blue ocean depths; I had also observed an enormous oil tanker voyaging up the bay to its port in the town of Searsport, fifteen miles north. The tanker's figure loomed like a rain cloud over the horizon in front of the boat; as we approached, we were able to ide ntify the major features of its cargo.Nearing the port at Islesboro, I smiled as I looked up at my grandfather. The first landmark I noticed was the Grindle Point Lighthouse. We had made a pledge to each other to see as many Maine lighthouses as possible during our years together. The green and red Grindle Point Light attracted visitors who could journey up the stairs to the source of the light. Continuing to stand at the bow of the ship, I saw the residents and visitors to the island desiring a ride back to the mainland. The large rubber hands of the dock led the boat into its proper position to unload.The ride over to the island of Islesboro had been exciting for me throughout my life. It was very meaningful to me because it had always been something I enjoyed doing with my grandfather. Of the many voyages we had embarked upon, the Islesboro trip epitomized all of the experiences we enjoyed doing together. I have traveled on many boats as I have become older, such as the Bluenose to Nova Scotia and the Steamship Authority's ferry to Nantucket Island, but none have had more of an impact on me than my first ferry ride on the Margaret Chase Smith.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Dna And The Old Cell - 1650 Words
Introduction DNA is also known as Deoxyribonucleic acid, it codes the genetic information that is used in the expansion and functioning of all known living organisms and diseases. Frederich Meisher was the Swiss biochemist that first discovered DNA in the late 1800s, but not until a century later was it that researchers released the importance of the DNA molecule. DNA contains the biological instructions that make each species unique. One important feature of DNA is that it can replicate itself; each single strand in the double helix structure can function as a pattern for copying the order of bases. This is incredibly important for as and when cells divide because each new cell needs to have a precise copy of the DNA existent in the old cell. DNA is incredibly important in the world we live in today, it can be found at many crime scenes, and is collected, ordered and stored to provide critical evidence in various court rooms to bring the right people to justice. It can also be used to identify a body, more commonly if the body is badly decomposed or if only certain body parts remain. DNA fingerprinting has a high success rate and is very rarely inaccurate, making it very popular for paternity and maternity confirmation. DNA identification is collected in many different ways; we can extract it from saliva, blood, hair and bodily fluids. Discussion 1985 was the year when DNA fingerprinting was originally developed by Sir Alec Jeffreys in England; this discovery is consideredShow MoreRelatedMitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Disease ( Mngie )1461 Words  | 6 Pageschain found in the mitochondria, affecting tissues that have high energy demands including cardiac, nervous, and skeletal muscle tissue.†An enzyme called thymidine phosphorylase, mutates affecting how ATP is made. As a result, it affects the muscle cells of the organism because people with this disorder do not have enough energy to move their muscles in their body. 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